Saturday, April 28, 2012

Planning And Embellishing A Bedroom For A Teenager

By Steve Artemi

While your children start approaching adulthood, their pastimes and needs start to change dramatically. They might quickly outgrow their bedrooms as new requirements need to be taken into consideration and so you need to plan for this in plenty of time. It's also honest to say that some of the choices will not be made entirely by you as teenagers have their own opinions and you may need to compromise so that everybody is happy. On this page we are going to look at some of the areas that need to be considered when designing and decorating a bedroom for a teenager.

You want to make sure that the existing bedroom will be big enough when they become a teenager. If you have the option, you may want to move your teen to a bigger room in the home or expand the one they are currently in. The walls will need to be repainted using neutral colors which are going to give your teen options on how they want to decorate it. Teens really love to put up all kinds of posters and images on their walls so a neutral tone allows that flexibility. Added space for storage will also need to be considered since they will be having a lot more clothes and "stuff" in their room.

While your child grows into being a young adult the bedroom becomes a place where they will spend more time. Because of this, you may want to incorporate some pieces of furniture, like a small couch or reclining chair. It may be that additional lighting is required such as a reading lamp and shelving for books and magazines. The window treatments they had as a younger child may no longer be suitable and so this also needs to be taken into account when thinking of the overall design and style of the bedroom.

Your adolescent will likely be doing a lot more studying and homework in the bedroom. Besides having a decent sized desk, you may also want to consider internet access in the room as well. You may need to add some extra electrical outlets for personal computers and desk lamps. Your teenager will likely want to utilize their bedroom as their little fortress of solitude. Obtaining a bigger bed for your teen is an expensive proposition but with planning, it can be done.

The teenage years are generally an important time in your child's life and that means you want to ensure they have a bedroom where they can both relax and study and with the right preparation you can create a room they can happily call their own.

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